To date, we have granted $5 million to over 60 local registered charities since our inception in 2004.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, our Community Foundation is able to invest in the future of our community through grant making. Our Community Foundation makes grants to a wide range of local charitable organizations, which, in turn, help to strengthen our Community.
Applying for a grant is done in three easy steps: confirm your eligibility, create an account, and fill out an application.
To apply for a grant from the KLWCF your organization and your project must meet specific guidelines.
From the KLWCF Grant Applicant account portal, you’ll be able to apply for a grant and submit post-grant reports. All your information is saved, making it easier to apply for future grants.
After you have set up an account simply log in and choose a grant to apply for (grant application deadlines apply).
Non-profit organizations that do not have a charitable registration number are not currently able to apply for a grant. To apply for a grant from the Kenora & Lake of the Woods Community Foundation, you must be a qualified donee as per the Canada Revenue Agency. To be eligible, your organization must be one of the following:
You may check here if you are unsure if you are a registered charity or qualified donee.
Only registered charities are eligible for grants from the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation. Your charitable registration number is a nine-digit number, followed by RR 0001.
Please Note:
Applicants should be aware that meeting the eligibility criteria allows you to apply to the Community Foundation. It does not, however, guarantee that you will receive a grant. If your organization does not receive a grant, it may not reflect the merit of the project; it could depend upon the funds available for the current year.
Grants made from the Moffat Family Fund will consider the provision of services for:
To be eligible:
Grants are NOT made to:
Grants are NOT made to or for:
Out of cycle grants will be considered for exceptional requests that are time sensitive and cannot wait for the Community Foundations’ grant cycle. These grants do not necessarily have to fit the Community Foundations’ grants criteria, but must fall within the categories referenced in KLWCF Grant Guidelines & Processes:
The application can be initiated by the applying organization, or by Foundation Board or staff who may recognize an opportunity for community leadership.
A letter of interest is required for applications but not necessarily a full application. The Community Foundations’ grant requirements for acknowledging the Foundation will apply. An evaluation report will be required.
The Grants Committee Chair, together with the Executive Director, will manage the process to consider applications outside of the grant cycle. The process will ensure there is a quick response time, consultation with Grants Committee members who may/may not be KLWCF Board Members, and recommendations moved forward for Board approval.
Reference to the out of cycle grant process will be published on the KLWCF website.
If a Grantee applies for and receives an Out of Cycle Grant, this does not affect the Grantee’s eligibility to receive grants through KLWCF’s Granting processes in that same year.
Your Kenora Lake of the Woods Community Foundation account will allow you to add and save information about your organization, apply for grants, submit post‑grant reports, and set reminders for grant application deadlines.
Please review our application guidelines and application forms carefully before submitting your application.
Before you proceed with submitting your application, we encourage you to contact our office:
Phone: 807-467-4427
Email: [email protected]
After you have submitted your application:
You will receive an email confirming our receipt of your application, which will indicate when your application will be reviewed by our Grant Committee. If you do not receive this email, please contact our office.
When a Grant is Awarded:
You are notified promptly of the Foundation’s decision regarding your application. If your application is approved, we send you a letter confirming the grant and providing details about requesting payment.
Before changing your project’s activities or making any changes to the use of funds, please contact the Foundation office. The Foundation’s approval is required prior to changing any use of funds or activities.
When the project is completed:
Upon completion of the project, as per the date stated in the Grant Agreement, we require a Post Grant Report. Copies of all receipts must be available for submission. This final report will give the Foundation and our donors, a clear understanding of what was accomplished with the grant dollars.
Recognition of the Foundation:
If your organization receives a grant from the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation, we require recognition, as outlined in the Grant Application and the Post Grant Report.
There are two deadlines each year for grant applications to the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation:
March – Moffat Family Fund applications, supporting projects for children and families
March – Lake of the Woods Dream Funds applications, supporting projects for the general needs of the community
September – Community Funds applications, supporting projects for the general needs of the community
All applications must be submitted online, through the website portal at
If you would like to confirm a deadline, please feel free to call the Community Foundation office at 807‑467‑4427.